The makings of a Lineman.

Today, May 15, 2010 (yesterday by the time I got this posted) our third eldest son, Chris, graduates from Western Nebraska Community College with an Associate of Occupational Studies in Powerline Construction and Maintenance. We are so proud and excited for him. Chris has always been an "outside" kind of guy and I think this will be a good fit for him.
So, does anyone know of any Lineman jobs? Not too far away, mind you! His mother doesn't want him too many miles away, not just yet.
Here is for all friends and family who couldn't make the graduation ceremony!
Had to video tape him getting his diploma because the pictures were not turning out so great.
Thanks for the beautiful memory you two!
(Skyler plans on having the same expression for every picture I take of him for the rest of my life!)
Let's hear it, every one together...

One time when Chris was home on the weekend, he brought his climbing gear home. I thought I would give it a try after he showed us how easy it was.
Then Chris showed us how fast he could do a free climb. He can probably go much faster now, this was taken shortly after he began to climb.
Lol... let's be glad Chris is the lineman in the family and not Kathi!
ReplyDeleteLove ya sis,
congrats, Chris! So sorry we couldn't make it but be glad I didn't bring the stomach flu down there! Hope you find a great job that meets your best dreams!