Monday, August 29, 2011

Cows at Summer Camp

It's kind of quiet around here now that most of our cow herd has been moved to their summer pasture. We don't have enough grass here at our ranch to pasture all of our cattle for the entire summer, so we lease some ground down by the North Platte River south of Mitchell from some friends of ours. The area is part of the Bay State Ranch. I have tried to so some research on the ranch, as it is one of the earlier ranches established along the North Platte River, but alas, my time is limited and the chickens are calling to be fed, so that history bit will have to be another time.

Anyway, I thought I would continue with my "pictures from this summer" and post these. I took these one day (July 28th) when we were down there checking on the cattle. They seemed happy and are enjoying their time away at "summer camp." Too bad they don't need a camp counselor down there or else I would volunteer for the job. Would be kind-of fun to be a summer camp cowboy, er... cowgirl that is! You know some cattle outfits do indeed have cowboys that go to remote locations with the cattle and stay with them all summer long. Their only duty is to make sure the herd is safe, is where they are suppose to be and to make sure the fences are all in order.

These remote locations are referred to as cow camps. Some cowboys rough-it in a tent, while others have actual little cabins to stay in. When I live in Winter Park, CO, I knew of one such cowboy who spent his summers at cow camp. I was always very envious of that job. Would probably get a little lonely, but what a nice vacation!

Anyway... on to the pictures.

IMPORTANT: For your full enjoyment of the pictures, please click on them to see a full screen view of the photo, then click on your browser's "back" button to return to the blog.

Cows gathering at one of the waterholes with
Scotts Bluff National Monument in the background.

View of SBMN in the background with grass in the foreground.
Unfortunately, the cows do not like this type of grass, it is abundant
out there. I love the color of it and the wispy-ness of the seed heads.
Does anyone know what kind of grass this is?

Mom and baby.
Well, actually this is not this mother cow's baby.
You can tell from the ear tag number.
The top number on the tag is the calf's mother's number,
so in this case, her (purple tag = girl, blue tag = boy) mother is #756
and the mother cow behind her is #735.

Stinkin' cute!
Love how when they are young, they have those dark circles around
their eyes and noses. As they grow older, they will turn mostly black.

Scotts Bluff National Monument.
Landmark along the the Oregon Trail and Mormon Trail.
People who move away from here, miss this
beautiful bluff once they are gone!

Black and White of the Monument.

The pastures are abundant with birds.
This one is an Avocet.
Found out that bit of information when I posted this picture
on Facebook and asked if anyone knew what kind of bird it was.
I had an answer within a couple of hours!

Notice his unique upturned bill?

Click here for more information on the Avocet.

Oh, and of course the pasture is teeming with dragonflies!

Awww, so precious, at least in my own humble opinion.

THE end.

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