Friday, January 28, 2011

* Can Not Be Worn While Working

I saw this ad on Facebook this morning and it made me laugh.

What is a "Work Blanket"?

Excuse me Mr. Carhartt, but when do you need a blanket at work?

I am racking my brain trying to think of an occupation that would require a blanket to get the job done. So far this is what I have come up with:

Mr. Sandman might need one to lure his customers to sleep. But then, he doesn't need it, he would not be the one wearing it while he was working...

Let's see, who else...


A mattress tester? Would that require a blanket? Perhaps...

What else...

thinking, thinking, thinking...

running out of time...

Dan the Man will soon be telling me it's time to get off the computer and get to work...

I decided to add a disclaimer to the ad.

Let me know what occupations you come up with that you actually need a blanket to perform your job!

I can't wait to hear!


  1. I guess you could have it in your truck so that if you got stuck in a blizzard while traveling to or from work, you could use it. Maybe hang it up between trees for privacy when taking a potty break..... To cover your lunch bucket so sun doesn't spoil it before you are ready to eat and then spread it out to sit on for picnic ambiance at lunch break. To lay tools on while working so they don't get dirty--)h there are thousands of uses, Kathi!

  2. Firefighter. Use it to smother the flames on the dumdum who forgot to stop, drop and roll.
