I'm entering my first photo contest and need your help choosing which pictures to enter.
It is a Cat Photo Contest and I think these are my best cat photos.
Obviously, Camille is my favorite model. She is just so beautiful. What can I say?
I can't enter all these photos and need to narrow it down to four. Yikes!!!
That's where you come in. I have numbered each photo and need you to list your four favorites in order of your liking.
I'll let you know which one's I enter and wish me luck, there will be thousands, and I mean thousands of entries.
NOTICE: To view a full size of the photo, click on the photo and then hit your browser's back button to return to the blog!!


My dear friend Beth, graciously "photoshopped" this picture for me and removed the shadow!
Thank you Beth!!! You're the BEST!
Sammy, wanting to head back into the house!
Tatee-boy, Tator-tot, Tatum, he da man!
Bridgette, NOT enjoying the snow! Look at the expression!
Tyler, the old man, now 19 years old!
Chloe, better known as Squeakers!
Titled "5 Sisters"
Camille, Sammy, Leona, Chloe, and Bridgette
Camille, Sammy, Leona, Chloe, and Bridgette
Well, there you have them. Remember, vote for your four favorite. List them by their numbers and feel free to elaborate why you like the ones you chose!
I can enter one every day until Sunday so let me know as soon as you know!
Thanks a bunch!!
Here are some votes that came in on Facebook:
ReplyDeleteKelly said: "That was so hard ! How do I narrow it down to 4??!! My choices are as follows. #! spot goes to "The Kiss" (#6). Sweetness. #2 is Squeakers close up (#15) #3 is 5 Sisters (#15 part 2 ) Kitties have huge aawwww factor. And #4 is Bridgette, not enjoying the snow (#13). I love this picture with the snow on her head. Best of luck Kathi, all of your pics are great!"
Jane said: "Photo #15..5 Sisters"
Gaylene said: "My favorite is 15 with the kittens. Then 6,1, and 7. I have always loved the picture of the kittens in the bowl. It is very cute and rare to get a photo like that."
Pat said: "I vote for the sisters and #1"
Here's another comment from Facebook.
ReplyDeleteBeth said: "Hey Kathi! My vote is: #4 as my favorite, then #1 as my 2nd, #2 as my 3rd & #16 as my 4th. You have lots of great pictures! The shadow is the only thing that brought #2 down from my top two. Good Luck! :) I love #4!!! Good light, and the affect is awesome!"
More Comments from Facebook.
ReplyDeleteFrancine said: "I LOVE them all! But if I have to choose a fave, I think I like Camille kissing the Chicken."
Beth who can't make up her mind said: "OK, I've changed my vote - 1st #4 (or #2 if shadow is fixed), then #6, then #16 & then #1. They are all so good Kathi! There are others I like too - you could sell these! Make a little card grouping. :) "
#2, (#8 or #13), #11, #16. Very hard to choose. Lots of fun! Good luck!
ReplyDeleteYou could do a calendar.
ReplyDeleteI like #6, #9, and #16 They are all good pictures.
Number 1 is "The Kiss" (#6). Second is the 5 Sisters (#16)... who can resist a bowl full of kitties? Camille #2a is very pretty, too. They're all great!
ReplyDeleteI still love the 5 sisters #16 and also the kiss #6. I also like the ones of Camille on the post with the hoar frost on the trees behind. Also Bridgette in the weeds #13
ReplyDeleteFrom Facebook:
ReplyDeleteRaquel said: "Number 1. I like how nice it looks with the snow in the background and the different colors of different things."
My sister said: 4, 16, 12, 1