Country Chicken Girl here continuing my little ditties about the vendors at the 2010 Scottsbluff Farmers' Market which is held every Saturday from 7-11am downtown at 18th & Broadway.
Can I just say that I am amazed at the number of vendors and products that are at this year's market? Can I just say that I am as equally amazed at the amount of people who are actually venturing out and coming to see what the excitement is all about!! Can I say that I'm just so excited?? Well, I just did, so don't tell me I can't.
Anyway, I'd better get straight to business. I've got four people to profile this week!
Starting on my left is the infamous Styria Bakery, better known simply as "The Bread Man." Although this year, well the last two Saturdays, it has been a bread lady! She's so incredibly busy, that I haven't actually asked her what her name is. How rude of me. I'd better ask next week.
If you haven't tried any of the Styria Bakery bread, you really should. It is simply delicious! Seriously. They are by far the most popular vendor at the Market. I have tried every variety of freshly baked bread that they offer and can honestly say that there hasn't been one that I didn't absolutely love. My favorites are the Lemon Mint White Chocolate and Cranberry Walnut. Skyler loves the Jalapeno Cheddar. Dan the Man likes what ever I bring home.
Everyone must take their turn!
Only three baskets of bread left.
Looks to be yet another sell-out day!
The Styria Bakery is actually located in Frederick, Colorado which is 190 miles from Scottsbluff, just north of Denver. What a long drive they have to get here. I'd hate to have to make that long drive back after the market. Sheez, I know for a fact that I would have a hard time trying to stay awake.
I will be posting a recipe for Lemon Mint White Chocolate French Toast in the near future. WARNING: One try of this recipe and you very well may be addicted!! But don't say I didn't warn you.
Psst... inside info just for you special people who read the Country Chicken Girl Blog... you can order bread from the Styria Bakery and they will mail it to you (at least that is what they say on their website.) And if you seek them out in the winter, you will find them at various events and craft shows, like I did last winter. Here's the post, can you find the bread man? Weekend Getaway: Colorado Garden & Home Show.
Psst... another insider secret... I think that Jane Sedman's bread is just as good and she is more local than the Styria Bakery. She sells at the Morrill Farmers' Market and the one in Torrington. Check out this post if you missed the writeup I did on Jane, Morrill's Farmers' Market 2010.
Next is Roger Brown of ... uhh, idk (I don't know). Roger where are you from? I want to say Gering, but I really don't know that for a fact and that would be a totally uneducated guess. I'll ask him on Saturday.
Roger has a great booth. He offers Colorado fruit, garden veggies, plants and craft items. I have bought peaches from him the last two markets and they have been out of this world sweet and ripe. Eat your heart out Wal-mart. I'll eat Roger's peaches any day over store bought peaches even if it means I can only have them in the summer. If you read my last column in the Gering Citizen Newspaper, you know that I'm talking about eating what is in season. (Sorry, my column isn't online but you can subscribe to the paper, it's only $30 for a whole year.) I'm going to make sure to get a case of peaches so I can freeze and can some so we'll have some this winter.

I bought a set of these last year, or was it two years ago,
for a friend of mine who collects ladybugs.
I want, I need that urn, it's soooo pretty!
See the scroll saw windmill clocks on the trailer setting on the tire thing?
What are those covers over the tires called? I just had a total brain freeze.
Roger also has water plants for your pond.
AND his prices on the plants are way below what you would pay at the bigger nurseries here, that is in my opinion!
Moving along... across the street from me *big wave to Sarah* is Sarah Pinet of Victory Hill Farm. Sarah is the goat girl who makes goat cheese. We met this spring on Facebook, but I feel like I've know her forever!
I have bought Sarah's feta and mozzarella cheese. I simply adore the feta! Sarah gives samples of all she has to offer at each market, so if you've never tried goat cheese, you won't have to buy it and then "hope" that you like it once you get home. But trust me... try it, you'll like it.

From the Victory Hill Farm website about the Farmstore. "We recently built a Farmstore which we will sell our cheese from. Other farm products grown and produced on our farm are available including fresh eggs, raw honey, milk fed pork, chevon and in-season produce. We will be carrying other local products from area producers as well."
Uhhh, what's chevon? Goat meat!
Last week I bought some milk fed pork breakfast sausage from Sarah, but haven't tried it yet. I'm sure it'll be delightful.
Uhhh, what's chevon? Goat meat!
Last week I bought some milk fed pork breakfast sausage from Sarah, but haven't tried it yet. I'm sure it'll be delightful.

Please go check out their website, it is a great website and very informative,
Moving along to the last vendor for this post. Set up next to Sarah is Ernest Griffiths, the local honey guy. He's a honey of a guy! hee, hee! I didn't have much time to talk to Ernest, so I don't have a lot of info on him, sorry. But I do know he is from Scottsbluff and he sells local honey!
Ernest sells his honey at a very reasonable price, $3.00/12 oz., $5.00/24 oz., $7.00/48 oz. Need a ton of it?? You can buy a gallon for $25.00 Ernest, what do people do with a gallon of honey??? He also sells it by the comb for $5/lb or wax for $5/lb. If you can't catch him at the market you can give him a call at (308)635-2931.
Yikes, that was a long one. Thanks for sticking with me to the very end.
The end, for now!
Awesomeness Kathi!
ReplyDelete- Monique
Thank you for writing about all of us! What good press!!
ReplyDeleteNice job! I was there last weekend and bought from many of the vendors you highlighted. Sarah's cheese is wonderful! Hope I can get some chevre next time!
ReplyDeleteI wanted to say to you though that I bought some of your ground beef and stew meat and promptly went home to make chili! The beef was out of this world. I can't believe the difference in taste and texture! Absolutely loved it. I will be back for more!
Hi Kathi. I was back in Bluffs last weekend and unfortunately wasn't able to go to the farmer's market. I just learned about your site from Praire Bloom. I'm thrilled to learn about your site and all the exciting things to do and eat in the area. Makes me think I need to make another long drive from Denver. When does the market end?
ReplyDeleteDonna, so glad you liked the beef! Look forward to seeing you again.
ReplyDeleteAndrea, the market will continue through October 17th or the first frost, whichever comes first! I had a customer drive up from Denver to the ranch just last week to get some of our beef and chicken.
What is that brown, grassy plant that you are selling near the Sansavera? Just wondering what the name is?